Annette M. Clayton

children's author


Annette M. Clayton

With a father from Puer­to Rico and an Irish moth­er, Annette grew up in a live­ly and diverse house­hold. Cel­e­brat­ing both cul­tures meant extra presents on Three Kings Day and a big par­ty on St. Patrick­’s Day! All of which suit­ed Annette just fine. 

At a young age, her fam­i­ly moved from Wash­ing­ton D.C., to a sleepy farm­ing val­ley, nes­tled in west­ern Mary­land. The change from city life to coun­try life for­ev­er changed her. She fell in love with nature and all things green.

When she’s not cel­e­brat­ing all those hol­i­days men­tioned above, you can find her writ­ing books that are sil­ly, some­times sweet, hik­ing the Appalachi­an Trail, or rear­ing her two adorable rapscallions.

Annette has a Mas­ter’s Degree in Writ­ing for Chil­dren and Young Adults and has pub­lished over twen­ty-five books with more on the way.